To rescue a BJP leader's son kidnapped by ULFA the Assam police, along with Nagaland and Arunachal Pardesh counterparts, have launched a massive manhunt in Chamlang, Arunachal Pradesh. Director general of police Mukesh Sahay said, "Security forces have launched a massive manhunt in Arunachal to rescue Kuldeep Moran, abducted by ULFA."
It has been revealed that cops have succeeded in locating the boy. Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal appealed to the Paresh Barua- led faction of the ULFA on Tuesday to release the boy on humanitarian grounds. "Our government believes that violence will achieve nothing and we are committed to the peace process," he said. Kuldeep Moran, son of BJP's Tinsukia zila parishad's vice-president Ratnaswer Moran, was abducted on August 1 by ULFA. A video was later released showing Kuldip pleading for his life.
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